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Grimes, Metric, and Usher to Headline Global Citizens Concert Canada

Grimes, Metric, and Usher to Headline Global Citizens Concert Canada

Aug 29, 2016 Marisa Ray

Usher, Metric, and Grimes are announced as the headliners for Canada’s first ever Global Citizens Concert. The international social platform will be hosting the event at the Bell Centre in Montreal in order to raise money and awareness for AIDs Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The event is completely free and will be broadcasted by Bell Fibe TV1 and iHeartRadio Canada livestream.

In order to get tickets you must join the Global Citizens Movement and complete five tasks! Take a quiz and share a video, sign a petition to encourage world leaders to support the Global Fund, send an e-mail encouraging global leaders to help fund efforts to put an end to polio, call PM Trudeau's office and voice support for investment in health and development and sign a petition to support education for adolescent girls and build healthier global communities. There will only be 10000 tickets released so be sure to register at www.globalcitizen.org/canada.

The Global Citizens Fund was founded in 2002 and invests over $4 billion annually to support programs in countries of need. Their main aim is to end these epidemics by 2030. "This concert is a rallying call -- especially to young people around the world -- to take action against HIV, TB and malaria,"Says Mark Dybul executive director of the global fund

The Canadian concert is a week before the fifth Global citizens Fest on September 24 in central park, NY New york.

The New York concert will feature Kendrick Lamar, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, and Major Lazor as the headliners.

Catch the Canadian concert live to Bell Fibe TV subscribers on TV1, channel 1158, on Saturday, Sept. 17 beginning at 7 p.m. ET as well as Bell Media Radio websites.

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